Saturday, April 11, 2020


Is Vyvanse the ultimate amphetamine?

No- vyvanse is not the ultimate amphetamine, you’re going to get extremely bias answers to this question. Everyone has a relationship with drugs- some are more dependent than others, and react differently to particular drugs too. All based on the current condition of their brain chemistry, receptor sensitivity, even your sex has a correlation with your reaction to amphetamines.

If your “ultimate” amphetamine is a slow onsetting, non abusive form, which has to convert into amphetamine in your body via biological means, then yes vyvanse is the ultimate amphetamine. It’s bound with lysine, which the body has to break apart from the amphetamine to release its potent effects into your brain. I find this form very unappealing and invigorating, after 2–3 attempts to gain amphetamine stimulated focus, it failed so i quickly lost respect for its applications.

If you need an amphetamine that is a decongestant/bronchial dilation antagonist, then you would need L-methamphetamine. Which is over the counter. This type of amphetamine has no features that you expect from what we correlate amphetamines abilities to give us super human confidence and focus. It is by far the least likely to be an “ultimate amphetamine”

Desiring euphoria? MDMA is another type of amphetamine (methamphetamine derivative) that enhances our mood, stimulates social bonding/interactions, openness, energy, and makes us horny.

Next we have amphetamine “salt combinations”, which is by far the most abused, consumed form of amphetamine in America, also not going to label this one as the ultimate amphetamine, which is “ADDERALL”. There is a hidden agenda in Adderall’s formulation, which is that it’s a proprietary blend of amphetamines that allow it to remain patented, which is the only reason there are different types of amphetamine in the blend. This is highly unknown to the general public and they assume that it is the most powerful form of amphetamine, due to lack of exploration and research of its formulation. This prescription is the most over hyped, sensationalized, overused, amphetamine and personally- I despise it and it’s name, most importantly- the trust factor we have with it, when you have its cousin methamphetamine as its “black sheep cousin” which is reserved only for drug addicts and truck drivers. (Sarcasm intended there)

Moving on…. Dextroamphetamine- (Dexedrine), which is what I personally use on a daily basis. However it is not going to be promoted as the “ultimate amphetamine” because there is no ultimate amphetamine. Dextro-amphetamine is the cognitive enhancer, ADHD solution found in Adderall, however they add other useless forms of amphetamine to make it unique, which also enhances its side effects- being so powerful during the rise of dopamine, most people continue the use even with profound mood swings after it has exited the blood stream.

Now lets get into the nitty gritty of amphetamine which typically isn’t prescribed and requires another social network to obtain- which is methamphetamine. Methamphetamine is actually the cleanest form of amphetamine in producing mental clarity, focus, and cognitive performance, as well as boosting motor skills, and hand eye coordination. It has the most potential for abuse, and misuse, because it has the highest affinity to reuptake dopamine, and has the closest chemical structure to dopamine- which makes it very fun and very dangerous at the same time.

There are other forms of amphetamine that we’re not going to discuss because they’re not worth mentioning, I hope this inspires you to research more on what you don’t understand and to shed the social dogma and manipulation of public safety regarding its uses and applications.

Even though you may find methamphetamine appealing after digging through the clinical research, and disregarding the propaganda campaign against it, you will find it you’ve been duped. But nonetheless, don’t accept it- just realize that we are brainwashed and that the FDA is a machine, doctors are robots that have instructions, and that society just follows orders.

(Source:  E/a - q)

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