Sunday, April 19, 2020




What cognitive processes are involved in recognizing a song?

When you write down your goals on paper what happens in the brain that makes things more likely to happen?

When someone goes blank, eyes unfocused but open, and “zones out” so to speak, what is actually happening in the brain?

Can you overthink when you drink a lot of coke, coffee, and energy drinks?

Do stimulants have a long-term effect on those with ADHD even after they wear off? I find I am much more organised despite medication not being active.

I can't stay focused when reading or read quickly because of ADD. Is there a way to overcome this without meds? Does meditation work?

What does it mean when your mind is always blank?

What is consciousness in neurology?

What is consciousness in philosophy?

Where in the brain does the conscious and subconscious reside?

Do traders on Wall Street abuse ADD or ADHD medicine such as Adderall and Ritalin?

Did Albert Einstein really have ADHD?

Isn't ADHD just a focus disorder? Why do people associate it with bipolar, mood issues, or autism? What does ADHD have anything to do with feelings and moods? It's just how your brain focuses, right?

Why does methylphenidate cause tons of adverse effects for some people and none for others?

Can daily use of Concerta reduce the natural ability to produce dopamine for someone with adult ADD/ADHD?

I don't want to forget anything. Is there any drug or pill or anything else that can completely prevent memory loss?

Why am I unable to understand a text while reading it, but if I record myself reading it out loud and listen to it, I can understand it perfectly?

Does brain fog cause odd thinking?

Am I the only one who cannot focus for more than 3 minutes?

What is it called when you get distracted easily?

What is cognitive reframing?

Why has coffee never given me energy unless it’s a triple shot?

What is the best way to determine if you are left brained or right brained?

What are your career goals and how did you develop them?

I have traumatic brain injury and no short term memory. It is a challenge for me. What job fits my condition?

(Source:  E/a, q, other)

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