Saturday, April 18, 2020

Short circuit



Can the brain short circuit?

What do alertness and sustained attention have to do with ADHD?

How many cases of autism were misdiagnosed as schizophrenia back in the sixties through eighties? How is this not serious malpractice?

What exactly does "Red Bull gives you wings" mean?

Is coffee/caffeine good for ADHD?

Are there measurable electromagnetic fields emitted around the head? If there are, how strong are they? Do they increase with increased brain activity?

What is a continuity tester?

How can I improve my comprehension of and concentration on complex films?

Aside from ADHD/Ritalin exhaustion, I don’t know what to do anymore. What should I do?

What is narrow thinking?

Can you still have long-term memories after a brain injury, and still have memory issues about certain things following it?

(Source:  E/a - q, etc.)


Educational books about brain-mind medicines include:

- Remarkable Medicine book by Dreyfus
- How To (Temporarily) Cure Hyperactivity book (about proven, temporary, Inattentive ADHD relief) by Wild

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