Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Auditory Processing Issues

I was recently diagnosed with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and have been having problems with language comprehension. What are some strategies I can use to function more efficiently?

What career is good for a person with a learning disability? I have auditory processing disorder but it’s getting slightly better. I want a job without going to college because I think college is just boring.

Do people with ADHD feel like they've never found where they belong? Is that part of the ADHD mind set?

Until a person understands what ADHD is, a person can be like a jigsaw puzzle where it appears one or more pieces of the puzzle are missing or wrongly cut/misshaped. It’s like a puzzle of: triangle, square, and circle where the ADHD person feels like an octagon which doesn’t quite fit into the puzzle perfectly.. ADHD, like epilepsy, narcolepsy, unilateral neglect, brain concussions, sports concussions, prosopagnosia, aphantasia, etc. is about neurology. Partial answer: written annual planner.


Diagnosed as an adult with ADHD/ADD? What is your journey? Thoughts, struggles, achievements, reactions from family and friends, tip, etc.

Inattentive ADHD - thoughts, struggles, achievements, reactions follow: C. Thomas Wild - ADHD Reduction Author - My Journey To Understanding -

(Source:  E/a - q, other)

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