Sunday, April 12, 2020

Temporary ADHD Relief: C. Thomas Wild reports on promising medicines

C. Thomas Wild reports on FDA approved medicines which work for him for his Inattentive ADHD from birth.


What does it mean to be in an altered state of consciousness?

Charles [Thomas] Wild 

Try the (1980) movie, Altered States. Also, neurology - topics like: ADHD, epilepsy, narcolepsy, stroke, brain concussions, sports concussions, unilateral neglect, coma, anesthesia, brainwaves, neurons, neurotransmitters, alertness, wakefulness, sleep, etc.

(Source:  E/a - q)


Charles Wild
just now (04-14-2020)

Limitless (2011) is a wonderful, fictional movie about a fictional nootropic - NZT-48.  The movie is about the benefits of the right medicine vs the possible side-effects of the same medicine.  Limitless (2011) is a fictional movie vs actual educational books about real FDA approved brain-mind medicines like:  Nerves in Collision book (Alvarez, M.D.), Remarkable Medicine book (Dreyfus) and the How To (Temporarily) Cure Hyperactivity book (about proven, temporary, Inattentive ADHD relief) (Brothers, M.D.;  x-ref:  Renshaw, M.D.).  Other movies about paying attention vs inattention include:  Awakenings, Fight for Life, Inside Out, 50 First Dates, etc.


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