Tuesday, April 7, 2020

How does our imagination work?

How does our imagination work and how do we “picture” things in our head?

What is your own perception of self?

Can ADD get worse with age? I am a recent college graduate trying to find my place. Ever since the structure of school has been gone I feel that my mind is constantly running with ideas and career plans 24/7. Should I seek help or will I find peace?

Is remembering your lines the most difficult part of acting?

What functions are controlled by the human midbrain?

How long does it take to get your memory back after a stroke?

Do you practice mindfulness and gratitude?

Why do companies need mission and vision statements?

Why can't some people focus on one thing for a long time?

Can you teach yourself how to focus better, or will it be a lifelong problem?

I suffer long-term memory issues due to epilepsy and a brain surgery. What would you recommend that might help with memory?

What nootropics have you used? Which have worked best for you?

What does the term:  ADHD thought world mean?

How can you differentiate between the brain and the mind? Which is more complex?

What is the study of cognitive neuroscience?

What is the difference between dream, vision, and a revelation?

If caffeine's effects are caused by stopping the body from using adenosine, then why do you feel like you gain energy when drinking caffeine?

How does memory get “transcribed” or “encoded” from short-term to long-term memory?

Is caffeine the strongest legal stimulant that doesn't require a prescription?

Are nootropic (smart) drugs completely bogus?

How much does it cost (2020) to get a doctor's help and prescription for ADHD in Israel for a foreigner for a month/year?

How can I possibly explain ADHD to other people?

What worked to improve auditory processing from your experience?

What does ADHD look like in the classroom?

Vyvanse (50mg) works the best for me. I tried Adderall IR (10-30mg) and XR (25-50mg), concerta (36mg), ritalin (20mg). None of these work. Why does vyvanse help me focus but Adderall has no effect on me when they are nearly the same molecule?

Only vyvanse seems to work for me, I tried Adderall (IR and XR), concerta and ritalin but no success. Is there a cheaper alternative to Vyvanse? I know it is 100% d-amphetamine once metabolized but I am wondering, would Dexedrine work the same?

(Source:  E/a - q)

About Health - Strength - Peace

I am health, strength, peace, happiness and prosperity.  The Spirit of God, who is active in me, flows through my body in a purifying, cleansing, healing stream that removes all obstructions and brings peace, health and harmony to my body.  I am well strong and vital.  I am beautiful, peaceful and poised.  I am eternally youthful.  I am buoyant, happy, free.  I shall raise in the morning filled with energy, radiance, and the power to accomplish whatever I find to do.

- M. Fillmore


16 hours ago - Uploaded by Abraham Hicks Foundation
Single Best advice From Abraham To every Individual for Best Life |Abraham Hicks 2020...


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