Sunday, May 10, 2020

Values - A to Z

Metaphysical Values - A to Z



- Abundance
- Bounty
- Confidence
- Desire
- Earnestness
- Faithful Visualization of Desired End Result Completion
- Godly Ideal
- Highest and Best Use
- I Am
- Joy
- Kindness
- Love
- Money
- New
- Opulence
- Profit
- Quality
- Responsibility
- Success
- Tithing
- Universal
- Value
- Worksheet
- X-ray
- Yes
- Zeal



Controlled attention is defined as the act of coordinating all the faculties of the mind and directing their combined power to a definite end; an act that can only be achieved by the strictest form of self-discipline.Jul 7, 2017

Controlled Attention | Napoleon Hill Foundation


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