Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Could consciousness be a fundamental force of nature and that's why we can't figure out where it comes from?

How can I focus on one thing at a time without my ADHD medication?

Do doctors receive commission when they prescribe medication?

Can doctors use brain scans to see what has been affected after brain damage? I'm not talking bruising but more like memory loss or learning abilities.

What are the four lobes of the brain? What are their functions?

What type of thinking do ADHD people have (e.g., step-by-step, synthetic, spiral)?

How can I improve my attention span and memory?

Why do I notice a difference between the brand Adderall and generics?

Brand name Adderall and a generic are not identical. Their quantitative analyses are different. Try reading the educational book, How To (Temporarily) Cure Hyperactivity book (about proven Inattentive ADHD relief) (Brothers, M.D.; x-ref: Renshaw, M.D.) which goes into the differences between one brand name medicine vs another brand name medicine and one brand name medicine vs a generic medicine.

Why are caffeine products presented as mental alertness products vs Ritalin, Dexedrine, Adderall, and Vyvanse which are presented as ADHD alerting agents?

Do you get branded as lazy with ADD/ADHD?

As a kid I was diagnosed with ADHD and I know now that it used to be combined, but now as an adult I mainly have signs of inattentive and only a few hyperactive, is this even possible in today's understanding of ADHD?

How bad do symptoms need to be before you should seek medical help for ADHD?

What causes a lack of concentration in reading?

What should you not say to a child with ADHD?

(Souirce;  E/a, q, other)


About Your Imagination

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