Monday, May 11, 2020


What is the superconscious mind?


Consciousness is a vital function produced by a vital organ, the brain. Consciousness is a vigilant sentinel, a watchful, attentive lookout on behalf of the body with the brain that makes this special cognitive effect. The sentinel is essentially the act of paying attention to a signal plus the elusive, subjective sense that this is “my” attention, that “I” am paying attention.

Attention is like all cognitive processes a current of electrical energy conducted via chemicals in and between brain cells. The voltage of this current of attention determines the degree of wakefulness: deep sleep, REM sleep (dreams); waking up but not yet fully engaged mentally, then really waking up and being fully engaged with all the challenges of living; and then there are voltages which spike the power of attention to heightened states of awareness that are not normal everyday experiences. Probably what you refer to as the “superconscious mind” is one of those heightened states of awareness owing to a high voltage attention.


Metaphysically, the superconscious mind imaginatively describes a number of divine ideas (like Infinite Intelligence, divine love, wisdom, strength, order, life, freedom, understanding, choice, imagination, faithful visualization of the desired end result completion, zeal, and God/Jesus the Christ power, etc. (aspects of the New Thought movement). Also, the superconscious mind has been described as the connecting link to God (where God is the universal electrical grid connecting everything aka God is the universe/God is everywhere). X-ref: religious opera, religious theater, spiritual storytelling, spiritual metaphysics, etc.

(Source:  E/a, q, other)

If everything we hear, touch, smell, and see are electrical impulses interpreted by our brain, then what is real out there?

How does the brain turn electrical impulses into conscious thought?

Perhaps part of the answer is similar to the science of holography. The field of neurology provides partial answers as in medicines which work for ADHD, epilepsy, narcolepsy, etc. Also, there are chemicals like hallucinogens (LSD, magic mushrooms, etc.) which touch upon the question as to how the brain turns electrical impulses into conscious thought. X-ref: metaphysically, try: The Secret (2006) - movie, Inside Out (2015) - movie, etc.

(Source:  E/a, q, other)


- The Secret (2006) - movie

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