Monday, May 25, 2020

ADHD Relief - Natural Methods vs Medication?

How did you overcome ADHD and do you prefer to use natural methods or medication?

The only partial answer to Inattentive ADHD I’ve ever found is using the right stimulant medicine to temporarily reduce Inattentive ADHD. For me, caffeine/caffeine products work better than Ritalin, Dexedrine, or Adderall. All the stimulants, including caffeine, are only partial answers, not 100% cures to ADHD. In my view, most persons ideally prefer natural methods but then discover that the natural methods fail to work so they choose to use the right medication because the medication actually works a little. Try reading educational books like Remarkable Medicine book (Dreyfus), the How To (Temporarily) Cure Hyperactivity book (about proven Inattentive ADHD relief) (Brothers, M.D.; x-ref; Renshaw, M.D.), etc. ADHD, like epilepsy, narcolepsy, brain concussions, sports concussions, is about neurology. Medications work for some with ADHD, not all with ADHD. Ingredients matter. Metaphysically, subjects like concentration and memory (aka thought) are addressed by business writers like Hill, Stone, etc. and New Thought writers like F.S. Shinn, etc.

How do I strengthen my focus abilities with ADHD/ADD?

Are the medicines we take curing the symptoms instead of curing the causes?

(Source:  E/a, q, other)


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