Saturday, July 11, 2020

How much? *****


How much (5% to 95%) can a stimulant medicine for ADHD temporarily improve ADHD for how many hours (1 hour to 8 hours) at a time?

(Source:  E/a, q, other)

It depends on which medicine you are taking. Some are made to be time Released over 8–12 hours. Your age may play a role too. If on straight up Adderall, It peaks and wanes in about five hours. For me it improves my attention span 95%. It is odd how I noticed it. I often do busy and laborious work After I have had my morning cup of coffee. If I put off doing the bills until late evening… It takes me quite a while to get the chore done because everything else pops into my mind! Read email, or whats that in the news of the next email… and I am off on a “train of thoughts” a long train at that wasting time actually for real, never dealing with the money columns! But to the polar opposite, say two hours after taking the medication, one day I sat down at my piano to read music. I had not done this for a ling time. I found my mind truly concentrating on reading the sheet music, not being interrupted by numerous side thoughts and not remembering something I forgot to do and jumping up to go do that. For the first time in two years of taking this medicine, I enjoyed reading music, enjoyed the act of concentration, and I became fully aware of how much hyperactivity goes on in my brains thought processes! Its crazy! Its incredible to fully realize how this medicine can actually help me stay focused and get things done, and I don’t at all abuse it. I know I need sleep too.



Thanks for sharing your Adderall experience. For me, coffee/caffeine works noticeably better than Adderall. NoDoz (100 mg - caffeine) temporarily reduces my Inattentive ADHD about 90% for four plus hours; Tirend (100 mg - caffeine) temporarily reduces my Inattentive ADHD about 95% for four plus hours. NoDoz, Tirend, for me, work very much like Adderall does for you including being being able to temporarily focus and play the piano a little better (improved gross and fine motor control, reduced distractibility, increased attention span, improved math, improved reading, improved productivity, etc.). - Charles Thomas Wild


That’s why they make several kinds of medications that are to do the same thing. Some people’s chemistry works the mix differently for them. I get far more work, physical labor, done on Adderall than caffeine. I also have a very bad stomach, gastritis & GERD which caffeine sets off badly. I have tried a slow release and it took four hours to feel it kick in. Ultimately you take what works best for you, the individual. 

(- DL)

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