Wednesday, August 19, 2020

What do the following have to do with ADHD?

What do the following have to do with ADHD?

- Accurate Thinking
- Actions Until Completed
- Adderall
- Aim
- Alertness
- Alvarez
- Attention Span
- Attention Span Advancement
- Attention Span Advancement Registry Service
- Bradley
- Brain
- Brothers
- Caffeine
- Cerebral Palsy (Mild)
- Coffee
- Communication
- Concentration
- Conscious Mind
- Crossing The Midline Of The Body
- Dexedrine
- Distractibility
- Dreyfus
- Drill
- Emotions
- Executive Functions
- Facts
- Fine Motor Control
- Gradual Progress
- Gross Motor Control
- Handwriting
- Hyperactivity
- Hyperkinesis
- Imagination
- Intermediate Memory
- Intuition
- Listening
- Long Term Memory
- Memory
- Memory Span
- Mission
- Neurology
- Neurons
- Neurotransmitters
- Nutrition
- Organic Brain Syndrome
- Partial Answers
- Plan
- Practice
- Rehearse
- Relationships
- Renshaw
- Ritalin
- Schedule
- Self-Talk
- Sensory Integration
- Short Term Memory
- Speaking
- Subconscious Mind
- Sustained Attention
- Thinking
- Time On Task
- Understanding
- Values
- Vigilance
- Vision
- Vyvanse
- Wild
- Working Memory

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