Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Another Phony Scare Tactic Food Study Published - 2020

Phony Scientific Studies are published from time to time.

Phony scientific studies are like dangerous viruses.


Alarmism is excessive or exaggerated alarm about a real or imagined threat, such as the increases in deaths from an infectious disease. In the news media, alarmism can be a form of yellow journalism where reports sensationalise a story to exaggerate small risks.

Alarmism - Wikipedia


Alarmism | Definition of Alarmism by Merriam-Websterwww.merriam-webster.com › dictionary › alarmism
Alarmism definition is - the often unwarranted exciting of fears or warning of danger



Here's is a phony example of the corrupt food police (my view).  This misinformation gets in the news and, with the internet, goes all over the world instantly to misinform, scare, and confuse people.

Phony scientists who scare people ideally should have their business licenses revoked, then fined, and then jailed for spreading fibs and lies (much like the current, corrupt, amoral Trump Oval Office).


Caffeine is very common as in chocolate, candies, cookies, coffee, tea, etc.


Some so called researchers lack common sense and misuse their positions to misinform and scare the public. (my view).


Scare tactics - misplaced values - phony exaggerations:


History - History of Alarmism / Misinformation

. . .

- All the world's ills are due to the fluoride in the water supply - no questions allowed.

- Common food additives are the cause of all the world's ills - no questions allowed.

- Radon in homes is the cause of all the world's ills - no questions allowed.

- Sugar is the sole cause of all fat people - no questions allowed.

- Refrigerator mothers are the sole cause of all the world's autism - no questions allowed.

- Etc.

. . . . . . .


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No Amount Of Caffeine Is Safe To Consume During Pregnancy, According To New Study (08-24-2020)

No safe level of coffee drinking for pregnant women, study says

No amount of coffee safe during pregnancy, [phony] scientists [falsely] warn

[Phony] Researchers Warn: No Safe Level of Caffeine Consumption for Pregnant Women

Pregnant women [falsely] told to stop drinking tea and coffee because 'any caffeine is bad for babies'


Caffeine during pregnancy: New study 'seems alarmist', doctor says - Newstalk (08-25-2020)

Having some caffeine in pregnancy 'is fine' - BBC (08-14-2020)

Contentious study suggests no safe level of caffeine during pregnancy

New study says women should avoid caffeine during pregnancy, but some experts disagree



- Lawsuits against all coffee companies, tea companies, and chocolate companies.

- Lawsuits against all soft drink companies, etc.

- Lawsuits against Starbucks, all coffee chains, etc.

- Lawsuits against all restaurants which have ever served customers chocolate, coffee, tea, etc.

- Lawsuits against all candy companies which have ever served customers candies and cookies containing caffeine.

- Lawsuits against all newspapers, magazines, TV networks, radio networks which have ever allowed coffee/caffeine commercials

- Lawsuits against all movies ever made showing the consumption of coffee, tea, candies, or soft drinks containing caffeine

- Etc.


Fact:  Some consumer products containing caffeine (2020) already contain disclosure statements.

A likely consequence of the above (2020 alarmist food study scare tactic) will be that some (not all) food product distributors will add a disclosure label (in fine print) sentence cautioning consumers to consult their doctors for additional information about caffeine products (aka pass the buck to doctors).

Also, the caffeine industry (2020) will start a large advertising program assuring consumers that caffeine is safe to consume in moderate amounts and that the notion that any caffeine at all is hazardous to health is a phony, alarmist approach to health peddled by phony, quack, unethical scientists.

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