Friday, August 14, 2020

Asprey - Dreyfus - Wild - Nootropics (Bulletproof Coffee) - Dilantin - Tirend



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- Dave Asprey - Bulletproof Coffee - nootropic which provides relief

- Jack Dreyfus - Dilantin - epilepsy relief - author, Remarkable Medicine book

- C. Thomas Wild - Tirend (FDA approved alertness aid medicine, contains caffeine, 100 mg) - Inattentive ADHD relief - author, How To (Temporarily) Cure Hyperactivity book (about proven Inattentive ADHD relief).



- Attentional control
- Neurology
- First person accounts, not second party hearsay


What are the 10 best foods to boost brain power and improve memory?

Science (2020) says the single best food is organic coffee/caffeine/caffeine compounds. Coffee/caffeine works for some people, not all people, to provide a real, temporary, small brain power and small memory boost.

X-ref: organic foods, pure water, clean air, exercise, etc.

(Source:  E/a, q, other)

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