Thursday, June 18, 2020

Questions About ADHD ******

- What is ADHD?
- What is ADHD cognition, ADHD perception, ADHD gross and fine motor control?
- What is memory?  What is working memory?
- What's the difference between a brain concussion, a sports concussion, and ADHD?
- What is neurology?
- Can caffeine help some (not all with ADHD)?  What exact caffeine products can help some with ADHD?
- Can a few food additives act in some people (not all people) like powerful, undisclosed drugs?  Which food additives?
- Can a few food additives affect the imagination and create an ability to form simple mental pictures in the head?
- Is there a flaw in thinking that a single drug is the best answer to ADHD vs a drug which contains more than a single (one) ingredient?  X-ref:  politics of ADHD
- What is a drug?  What is a prescription drug?  What is nutrition?  What is organic nutrition?
- How does neurology look at ADHD?
- How does metaphysics look at ADHD?
- How do some non-profit religions (falsely and ignorantly) look at ADHD?
- Why known neurological challenges such as ADHD, epilepsy, and narcolepsy are not subtle allergies?
- Why known neurological challenges such as ADHD, epilepsy, and narcolepsy cannot be taught out of people?
- Why is caffeine classified as a mild, weak stimulant vs stronger, prescription only stimulants (like Ritalin, Dexedrine, Adderall, Vyvanse, etc.)?
- What's the difference between mild ADHD, moderate ADHD, and severe ADHD?
- Why is mild ADHD sometimes overlooked/not taken seriously by some healthcare workers?
- Why do some healthcare workers tend to promote only the strongest, prescription only stimulants for ADHD and overlook known milder, weaker stimulants like caffeine?
- Why can some healthcare workers tend to avoid discussing what may or may not be in medicines which work for some with ADHD?
- Why can some healthcare workers tend to avoid discussing nutrition at all?
- What is meant by the terms:  clean foods, clean eats?
- Why are (some) stimulants called arithmetic pills?  X-ref:  WWII
- Why are (some) stimulants called speech enhancers?  X-ref:  Bradley
- What can be learned from movies like Awakenings, Fight for Life, Inside Out, Limitless, and 50 First Dates?
- There are many caffeine products available today:  soft drinks, energy drinks, coffee, tea, etc.  With so many consumers, why are consumer comments about the products at times so challenging to find?


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