Monday, December 16, 2019

About Early Diagnosis and Treatment

There is a large question about early diagnosis - whether it is accurate.  Also, there is a large question about the concept of treatment.

In many cases, there can be little treatment or even treatment which is tried which does nothing and, in some cases, makes the situation worse.

There are strong monetary forces behind the concept of early diagnosis and treatment.

Early diagnosis and treatment means incomes to those in the healthcare business regardless of actual outcomes.

In contrast to other businesses, parts of the healthcare businesses means being paid for incomplete or incorrect diagnoses and trying expensive treatments (often expensive prescription medicines) which fail to work.

Sorry, no refunds allowed;  next customer please.

Also, there are public relation machines which consistently crank out propaganda (overly optimistic statements about outcomes) which tend to act like fog machines (hiding actual outcomes, actual statistics, the real facts) instead of shining light on the truth/the ideal of truth.


New autism guidelines focus on early diagnosis, treatment



Old Slogan:  Follow the money.


Another Slogan:  Caveat emptor.


Another Slogan:  Business as usual.


Joe Friday is a fictional character created (and portrayed) by Jack Webb as the lead for his ... "Just the factsma'am" is a common catchphrase often attributed to Friday, or less often, to Stan Freberg's works parodying Dragnet. But neither used ...



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