Saturday, November 9, 2019

Successfully Navigating The World Of ADHD



218648 - About Creativity
218741 - Attention
218742 - Navigating The World Of ADHD
218744 - Peace, Health, And Harmony
218749 - Fence
218751 - ADHD Connector - Tirend (caffeine)
218753 - Believe - Expect
218758 - ADHD Is All About Neurology - 2019
218762 - I Can
218845 - Proven ADHD Educational Resources
218846 - Better And Better
218847 - The Purpose - Temporary ADHD Reduction Documented
218873 - Can ADHD Be Tackled Without Medicine?
218891 - ADHD Relief - Caffeine Works
218899 - ADHD Reduction - C. Thomas Wild
218900 - Ingredient Disclosure Labeling - C. Thomas Wild
218901 - Nutrition - C. Thomas Wild
218937 - Cove
218972 - Less Than Two Cups Of Coffee
218998 - ADHD Series - 2360
219001 - Scientist Who Isolated Caffeine Awarded Nobel Prize - E. Fischer
219007 - Human Consciousness
219008 - Do Not Remove The Ancient Landmark
219013 - Guaranteed 10 Years
219059 - Begin
219095 - About Energy And Mental Focus
219096 - ADHD Improvement
219237 - Lady And The Tramp - Hand Puppets
219268 - Index
219272 - Consciousness - Alertness
219300 - The Silence
219305 - Qualities
219333 - Horseshoe Magnet
219367 - Language Lab
219377 - Better Off
219404 - ADHD Simulation
219405 - Attentional Control
219410 - I Was An ADHD Child - C. Thomas Wild - 2019
219416 - Name That
219425 - Circuit Completion
219482 - Transistor
219496 - 2019
219537 - Save Time
219541 - Environmental Health
219585 - Piano
219681 - Trajectory
219717 - Memory Pill - 2019
219865 - New Thought vs Neurology - ADHD
219884 - Abundance 
220013 - Don't Miss The Boat On ADHD
220056 - AM Meditation - Method
220059 - Foresight
220095 - About The Imagination - Damanhur
220120 - Transparency
220125 - Welcome To The ADHD Bulletin Board
220126 - Art 
220153 - Air France
220156 - How To Temporarily Reduce Inattentive ADHD Book By C. Thomas Wild
220165 - Five Years
220173 - Glass School
220181 - Foods

Read the following three educational books in the next one year - the neurology of ADHD - Epilepsy:

- Nerves in Collision (book) by Walter C. Alvarez, M.D. (about Dilantin)

- How To Cure Hyperactivity (book) by C. Thomas Wild (about Inattentive ADHD [from birth], temporary symptom relief due to caffeine approved FDA alertness medicines:   Tirend, NoDoz);  about nutrition;  introduction by Anita Uhl Brothers, M.D.

Proven ADHD Relief:

- Remarkable Medicine (book) by Jack Dreyfus (about Dilantin).




Fictional Movie - NZT-48 - Nootropic




Shutting down Google+ for consumer (personal) accounts on April 2, 2019
January 30, 2019

In December 2018, we announced our decision to shut down Google+ for consumers in April 2019 due to low usage and challenges involved in maintaining a successful product that meets consumers’ expectations. We want to thank you for being part of Google+ and provide next steps, including how to download your photos and other content.

On April 2nd, your Google+ account and any Google+ pages you created will be shut down... 

Charles Wild
Sep 13, 2017

Concentration and Memory Improvement - ADHD - ADHD Bulletin Board. Discussion board for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is the current term for the lifelong neurological challenge which previously has been known as ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), Hyperactivity, Hyperkinesis, Organic Brain Syndrome, Minimal Brain Dysfunction, and Minimal Brain Damage. -

Yahoo! Groups

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- Charles Wild = Charles Thomas Wild = C. Thomas Wild = Charles T. Wild = CTW = ctw

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